Northeast NY, NJ, PA, CT, MA, RI, VT, NH, ME, DE 400 5,200 65 Million
Northcentral IL, IN, KY, MI, WI, OH, IA has the most 290 4,900 50 Million
Southeast DC, FL, MD, GA, NC, SC, TN, AL, MS, VA 240 4,800 72 Million
Southcentral TX, LA, OK, CO, AR, KS, MO 250 3,900 50 Million
Northwest WA, AK, WY, MN, NE, ND, SD, ID, OR, MT 120 2,500 26 Million
Southwest CA, AZ, NV, UT, HI, NM 370 3,500 56 Million
Metropolis State Musical Acts Population
New York City NY 115,767 8.0.M of 19M
Los Angeles CA 175,083 4 0 M of 37M
San Diego CA 46,267 2.0 M of 37M
Austin TX 35,953 1,0 M of 25M
Chicago IL 69,963 2.8 M of 12M
Phoenix AZ 35,293 1.5 M of 06M
Philadelphia PA 45,508 1.5 M of 12M
Washington DC 41,518 600 K of 600K
Seattle WA 37,224 600 K of 07M
Atlanta GA 41,747 500 K of 10M
Las Vegas NV 27,513 500 K of 03M
Miami FL 33,637 2.3 M of 18M
Tampa FL 28,339 300 K of 18M
Newark NJ 26,443 300 K of 09M
research conducted using the Bureau of Labor Statistics at, the 2010 US Census at and The Indie Bible at